
This page provides information on Docker basics for use with compute modules. For full explanations, visit the Docker documentation ↗.

Get started with Docker

To build and publish images, you first need to install Docker. Follow the official instructions in the Docker documentation ↗.

To verify that Docker is running, you can run the docker info command. If you see Cannot connect to the Docker daemon, visit the troubleshooting guide ↗ to remediate.

What is Docker?

Docker is a tool for packaging and deploying applications. Docker enables easy distribution, consistency in execution across runtime environments, and security through isolation. This is achieved with a process called containerization that packages everything required to run an application while ensuring it runs consistently wherever it is deployed. There are two core primitives of Docker containerization: images and containers.

  • Image: An immutable file that contains all of the code, dependencies, and more necessary to run your application. In other words, an image only describes what should be run; it is the template from which containers are created.
  • Container: A single running instance of an image. A container is a live, lightweight, isolated environment in which your application is actually running.

Create images

Creating images in Docker involves packaging an application along with its dependencies, libraries, and configuration files into a single, portable unit. Packaging instructions are defined in a Dockerfile.


A Dockerfile is a text document made of sequential commands that instructs how to configure and run your application. The following list gives an overview of the most common commands you may need while creating images for compute modules. For a full guide, visit the Dockerfile reference documentation ↗:

  • FROM: Declare the base image. The base image is the foundational layer upon which your image configuration will build. A base image can be minimal (just an operating system) or more comprehensive (including pre-existing software such as Python). FROM must be the first statement in your Dockerfile. You can also add the --platform linux/amd64 flag to specify the target platform.
  • WORKDIR: Set the working directory. The working directory is the base location in your image where commands will run.
  • RUN: Run shell commands during the image build. Shell commands are typically used to install dependencies, compile your code, and perform filesystem operations.
  • COPY: Copy files from your computer into the image.
  • USER: Set the user for the container. The user must be a non-root numeric value.
  • ENTRYPOINT: Set the default command that will run at container startup. This command specifies what your container will actually be doing.
  • EXPOSE: Document the port(s) on which your container will be listening. All exposed ports must be between 1024 and 65535.
  • ENV: Set environment variables. These variables can be used to configure and provide runtime information for your container to read during execution.

Image requirements for compute modules

  • Images must be run as a non-root numeric user.
  • Images must be built for the linux/amd64 platform.
  • You must use a digest or any tag except latest.
  • All exposed ports must be between 1024 and 65535.

Use your image in compute modules

Once you have an image compatible for a compute module, you can follow the steps below to upload it to Foundry. For full instructions, review our documentation on publishing an Artifact documentation.

  • Create an Artifacts repository.
  • Navigate to Publish and select Docker.
  • Follow the provided instructions to push your image to the repository.

Build an image: Example

We have an application that we want to deploy as a compute module, and it is structured as follows:

Project structure

├── Dockerfile
├── requirements.txt
└── src

We can construct a Dockerfile line-by-line using the steps below:

  1. Specify the base image.
FROM python:3.12
  1. Set the current directory.
  1. Install necessary dependencies.
COPY ./requirements.txt /app
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
  1. Specify a non-root numeric user for the container to run as.
RUN adduser --uid 5001 user
USER 5001
  1. Copy in the application code. This is done separately from the dependencies to leverage Docker image layer caching.
COPY ./src/ /app
  1. Specify the container to run the application at startup.
ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]

Your Dockerfile should look something like this:

FROM python:3.12
COPY ./requirements.txt /app
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
RUN adduser --uid 5001 user
USER 5001
COPY ./src/ /app
ENTRYPOINT ["python", ""]

Now, you can run the following command to build an image called myimage with the tag 0.0.0 from your Dockerfile:

docker build . -t myimage:0.0.0 --platform linux/amd64


Logging can be configured at the container level, allowing you to enable or disable logging for each container. This granular control helps optimize resource usage and focuses on the most relevant log data. To access the logging configuration for a specific container, select the container's row in the Containers section. This will open a side panel where you can adjust the logging settings.

Log formats

SLS format

The SLS format is a structured logging format that provides consistent and easily parsable logs. SLS logging is designed to support additional metadata for each log entry.

The following is an example of logging in the SLS format:

package myproject;

import com.palantir.interactive.module.api.SafeArg;
import com.palantir.interactive.module.api.UnsafeArg;
import com.palantir.interactive.module.tasks.deployedapps.DeployedAppRuntime;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

final class DeployedApp {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeployedApp.class);

    public static void main(String[] _args) {
                .addQueryRunner(DeployedApp::hello, String.class, String.class, "hello")

    static String hello(String name) {
        // SLS format for error
        log.error("This is an SLS error log with unsafe parameter", UnsafeArg.of("name", name));

        // This is not in SLS format. As a result, it won't be logged if SLS format is selected.
        System.out.println("This message will not be logged iff SLS format");

        // SLS format for info"This is an SLS info log with safe parameter", SafeArg.of("name", name));

        return "Hello, " + name + "!";

    private DeployedApp() {}

Notice that the logging adheres to the following styles and constrains:

  • Use UnsafeArg for potentially sensitive data and SafeArg for non-sensitive data.
  • Standard System.out.println() statements are not captured in SLS format.

Plaintext format

Plaintext format provides human-readable logs without a specific structure. Plaintext logs are easier to read directly but may be more challenging to parse programmatically.

When plaintext is configured, the output is inserted into the message field of the SLS log. This allows for compatibility with existing SLS-based tools while maintaining readability.

Using plaintext logging as a default ensures that both plaintext and SLS logs are captured, with SLS logs appearing in JSON form in the messages field.

Container log sources

Container logs can be captured from two primary sources. Each source has specific requirements and configurations to ensure effective log collection.

Standard output

The standard output (stdout) source collects logs directly from the container's standard output stream. To enable this logging method, ensure your container meets the following requirements:

  • Must have a shell executable at /bin/sh
  • Must support the shell commands set and tee

Standard error inclusion: Optionally include standard error (stderr) in your logs. When set to true, stdout and stderr are synchronized and merged into a single stream.

Log files

The log files source captures logs from specific files within the container. There are two configuration parameters:

  • Directory path: The base directory where log files are located.
  • File path patterns: The patterns to match log files for capture. This parameter supports common wildcards for flexible file matching. Each pattern should include the specified directory path.

Example: To capture logs from all .log files in /var/log/foo/ and the specific file /var/log/bar.txt, set the directoryPath to be /var/log and the filePathPatterns to be /var/log/foo/*.log and /var/log/bar.txt

When using log files, the specified directory path must be empty when the compute module starts.

Environment variables

Docker environment variables are dynamic, named values that can customize the behavior of Docker containers and applications without changing the Dockerfile or container images. Environment variables can be used for many purposes, including the following:

  • Configure parameters: Set parameters for Docker images, such as the CPU set and CPU shares.
  • Define behavior: Define the behavior of an application or script.
  • Store credentials: Securely store sensitive information like API keys and database credentials.
  • Create reusable configurations: Use environment variables and interpolation to create reusable configurations that make it easier to manage and deploy Dockerized applications.
  • Override default values: Override default configuration values specified in the Dockerfile when running a container.


We have two code paths, production and test, where test might return some extra metadata about a request. You can create a production environment variable that your code can read and use to execute different paths, without having to change and redeploy your code.

import os

if os.environ["production"] == "true":

Reserved environment variables reference

Some environment variable names are reserved. You cannot overwrite reserved environment variables, as they may contain important information when writing your compute module. Review the list of reserved environment variables below:

CLIENT_ID string

  • When present, this is the client ID of the third-party application associated with this compute module. It is present in functions execution mode and when using application permissions. Use it to obtain a Foundry-scoped token from your third-party application service user.
  • Example value: 038120ac-ac39-4d91-be0e-55afabbb0912
import requests
import os
token_response ="https://{FOUNDRY_URL}/multipass/api/oauth2/token",
        "grant_type": "client_credentials",
        "client_id": os.environ["CLIENT_ID"],
        "client_secret": os.environ["CLIENT_SECRET"],
        "scope": "compass:edit"
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
access_token = token_response.json()["access_token"]


  • When present, this is the client secret of the third-party application associated with this compute module. It is present when in functions execution mode and when using application permission. Use it to obtain a Foundry-scoped token from your third-party application service user.
  • Example value: 038120ac-ac39-4d91-be0e-55afabbb0912
import requests
import os
token_response ="https://{FOUNDRY_URL}/multipass/api/oauth2/token",
        "grant_type": "client_credentials",
        "client_id": os.environ["CLIENT_ID"],
        "client_secret": os.environ["CLIENT_SECRET"],
        "scope": "compass:edit"
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
access_token = token_response.json()["access_token"]


  • The host used to connect to the compute module service. Use it to construct a URI when creating a custom client.
  • Example value: localhost
import os
runtime_host = os.environ["RUNTIME_HOST"]


  • The port used to connect to the compute module service. Use it to construct a URI when creating a custom client.
  • Example value: 8945
import os
runtime_port = os.environ["RUNTIME_PORT"]

RUNTIME_API hostname

  • The API path used to connect to the compute module service. Use it to construct a URI when creating a custom client.
  • Example value: localhost:8945
import os
runtime_api = os.environ["RUNTIME_API"]

GET_JOB_PATH uri path

  • The path used to get a job from the compute module service. Use it to construct a URI when creating a custom client.
  • Example value: /interactive-module/api/internal-query/job
import os
get_job_path = os.environ["GET_JOB_PATH"]


  • The fully qualified URI to get a job from the compute module service. Use it to construct a URI when creating a custom client.
  • Example value: https://localhost:8945/interactive-module/api/internal-query/job
import os
get_job_uri = os.environ["GET_JOB_URI"]


  • The path used to post a result from the compute module service. Use it to construct a URI when creating a custom client.
  • Example value: /interactive-module/api/internal-query/results
import os
post_result_path = os.environ["POST_RESULT_PATH"]


  • The fully qualified URI to post a result to the compute module service. Use it to construct a URI when creating a custom client.
  • Example value: https://localhost:8945/interactive-module/api/internal-query/results
import os
post_result_uri = os.environ["POST_RESULT_URI"]


  • The fully qualified URI to post schemas to the compute module service. Use it to construct a URI when creating a custom client.
  • Example value: /interactive-module/api/internal-query/schemas
import os
post_schema_uri = os.environ["POST_SCHEMA_URI"]


  • The maximum number of tasks that can be sent to a replica at a given time. Configure it on the frontend. Any changes to its value that occur while a replica is running will not be respected.
  • Example use case: Setting up an initial thread pool when building a custom client.
  • Example value: 1
import os
max_concurrent_tasks = os.environ["MAX_CONCURRENT_TASKS"]


  • Available only if you configured at least one external source. It is a path to a JSON file where the top level keys are all of your configured external source API names, and the values are a map of the corresponding secrets.
  • Example value: /opt/source-credentials/SOURCE_CREDENTIALS
import json
import os

with open(os.environ['SOURCE_CREDENTIALS'], 'r') as f:
    credentials = json.load(f)

# Access a specific secret
secret = credentials["<Source API Name>"]["<Secret Name>"]


  • Available only if you configured at least one external source. It is a path to a JSON file where the top-level keys are all of your configured external source API names, and the values are a map of the corresponding secrets. This file may contain extra metadata about your configured sources.
  • Example value: /opt/source-credentials/SOURCE_CONFIGURATIONS_PATH
import json
import os

with open(os.environ['SOURCE_CONFIGURATIONS_PATH'], 'r') as f:
    credentials = json.load(f)

# Access a specific secret
secrets = credentials["secrets"]
url = credentials["httpConnectionConfig"]["url"]


  • The path to a mounted CA PEM file. You must use this certificate when connecting to the compute module service. Only relevant if you are constructing a custom client.
  • Example value: /etc/ssl/rubix-ca/ca.pem
import os
default_ca_path = os.environ["DEFAULT_CA_PATH"]

BUILD2_TOKEN file path

  • Available only with pipeline execution mode. A file that contains a token scoped to your input and output resources. Use it when calling the API gateway.
  • Example value: /opt/build2-token/BUILD2_TOKEN
import os
build_2_token = os.environ["BUILD2_TOKEN"]