Projects and resources


Working in the Palantir platform often involves creating resources. These include datasets—the outputs of a data connection or a transform, or manually uploaded data—and the artifacts from various platform applications like repositories, analyses, reports, or applications.

A resource is analogous to a file in a traditional system. In the Palantir platform, we use the term "resource" to avoid confusion, as some resources, such as a dataset or a code repository, can contain files within them.

While each resource type opens in a different platform application, resources share some common information. Some examples include who last updated a resource and when; which users have access at different levels; features like leaving comments and marking favorites; and interactions like moving, sharing, and trashing. Additionally, each resource has a unique identifier called a resource identifier, or RID, which is standardized across applications.


Resources live within Projects, which form boundaries between groups of related resources and provide features to enable collaboration. These features include managing permissions for who can access the Project resources; showing you the latest Project activity and metrics about usage; and curating Project metadata like documentation, key resources, and data health. Each Project has a list of users or groups who have access to the Project and are assigned Viewer, Editor, or Owner permissions on Project resources. Within Projects, resources can be organized into folders to provide further structure and keep things clean.

In addition to Projects created for collaboration, every user has a personal Project. You can access your Project by navigating to Projects & files from the sidebar and then selecting All files. As you use applications, resources you create will appear in your personal Project by default.

Next steps

Now that you have learned about Projects and resources, proceed to learn about delivering use cases.

If you want to explore Projects in greater detail, including learning about how to create and manage them, learn more in the Projects documentation.